Monday, April 18, 2016

Of Plays, Closet Cleaning, and Popsicles

Wow, it feels so good to be blogging! The past two months have been a whirlwind with so much stuff, but life has slowed down considerably this week, and I am getting back to a daily routine again! I usually do one of my rambling, catch-up kind of posts to get me back into the swing of things as far as blogging, so today I am going to give an overview of what has been going on lately! If I have an impulsive burst of inspiration this week (which is highly probable), you will be seeing more posts from me very soon! :) Enjoy!

Enjoying: A good bit of my time this past month or so has been involving some sort of play. I was in a play that was performed the last weekend in March, and the week after that I went to see a play that several of my friends were in. I also had the privilege of  helping our local Christian school with hair and makeup for their play that they performed this past weekend. I love theater-related things, and it has been so fun this year to be able to participate in it! 

Catching up: Ah, high school....Over the school year I got really behind in several subjects due to a lot of things that came up and really took over a lot of our time. Of course, I didn't mind having all of that stuff going on, but now that I have all of that schoolwork to catch up on, I'm realizing the effects that it had! I am so close to graduating, and it is looking more and more beautiful as time goes on! :p 

Experimenting: The weather got really warm this week, and one of my favorite things to do in the summer is make up dairy-free popsicle recipes. Today, I came up with a delicious kiwi-banana popsicle that I made with coconut milk, and it was amazing. In fact, I am considering posting a few of my favorite recipes on here this summer for you to try! Let me know in the comments if that is something you would like me to do!

Working on: This afternoon, I took on the task of cleaning out and organizing the walk-in closet in our guest bedroom. It has become more of a storage closet lately, but since we needed the extra space for clothes, I got everything neat and orderly in there and even went through and got rid of stuff in the process! Surprisingly, it only took me one afternoon, and I now have everything organized and put away!

 Reading: As far as reading is going, I just finished Anne of Windy Poplars, which was the book for this month. I am starting a little earlier with typing up my review, so hopefully it will be on time this month! *cough, cough* I will try my best. :) 

Writing: Sadly, I haven't gotten a lot of writing done this month. I wish I could be able to have an overflowing supply of novel ideas, but I have never really liked what I come up with. I seem to do much better with short stories, blogging, and smaller projects. Who knows, someday I might end up branching off into the novel territory, and NaNo might be that opportunity! :)

Random other cool things that happened:
~ I got my hair cut
~ My best friend's birthday :) 
~ Seeing friends I hadn't seen in a really long time!
~ The sun came out!! *squeals* That made me happy. :) :)

Now that my life has re-gained a "normal" pace, I am going to have more time to spend on writing and such! And that, my dear friend, is very exciting to me. :)

Have a lovely day!

~Megan ♥


  1. Wow Megan...sounds like an eventful tie of late :) awesome

    I'm so behind on everything, too. It's honestly driving me insane.
    Huh, I've never had a dairy free popsicle! I'd be interested to see how you do that!
    I need some of your productivity. Gosh, what I'd give to have time to clean my closet right now. That's so pathetic XD
    Ooh, haircuts are always exciting!



    3. I'M GOING TO STOP TYPING IN ALL CAPS I PROMISE. xD It sounds like you've been up to some awesome things lately!! (Also, gotta admit, I love this kind of a post when I come home from a trip because now I just feel all nice and caught up on your life and it just MAKES ME HAPPY KK) Cleaning out closets/organizing them is a BIG job! Good for you, girl!! I still haven't unpacked from my trip so I have a lot of cleaning to do as well...*sighs and reads books instead* XD



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