Saturday, June 10, 2017

Currently (In which I am in a creative rut and life is crazy)

Hello, everyone! Happy summer!! 
As you can probably tell by the title of this post, I've been in kind of a rut with blogging, and even writing in general. I haven't had much time to write lately, but when I do, I can't find the inspiration. Fellow writers, I know you've been there. It is very frustrating! However, one of the best ways to get past a rut is to write through it. SO, I'm writing about the fact that I don't know what to write, and in the meantime, I'll give you a bit of an update on what's going on!

A big time-consuming thing has been my family preparing for a move. If you have ever moved, you know what I mean when I say that it is time-consuming! It involves a lot of work to get the house ready to sell, and constant cleaning to keep the house ready for showings. Then, of course, there is the unpacking, organizing, and settling in when we get there!

Also, also I FINISHED HIGHSCHOOL! I am an official graduate, and it is SO exciting! After looking forward to it for so long, it feels amazing to be done. That alone is freeing up so much of my time, which I can devote to writing and blogging and reading alllll the books.

Another thing I have been doing is learning Spanish. I don't mean being able to say "hello" and such (because I think everyone can do that)...I mean being fluent. First let me say how excited I am about this. I love the sound of other languages, and I think Spanish is a really good one to know. I took a Spanish class before, but I am still really interested in the language, and I want to be able to speak it fluently. SO, with a pile of books and help from a friend, I am determined to learn the language! *attempts flying Superman pose* *probably falls over*

Other random happy things:
 -weekend road trips
-playing piano till my arms hurt
-playing volleyball in the dark
-wandering around downtown with a dear friend ♥
-homemade waffles
-90 degree days
-planning my writing area and getting wayy too excited about it
-Bible journaling (there are some really great prompts on Pinterest!) 
-iced coffee and free donuts

I am excited about this summer! There are so many things happening, and the busyness can make me stressed, but I am learning to appreciate the place God has me in right now and trust His plan for my future. There are some really exciting things coming up, and I am looking forward to all He has in store!

☀ ☀ ☀ ☀ ☀ ☀ ☀ ☀

 What are you up to this summer? Did you graduate this year too? Any tips for learning a new language? 

Much love! ♥


  1. You've heard of socks, right? If you spell the word out, it translates to "It is what it is." Eso si que es. xD It's a pretty cool way to remember! I love learning new languages. I've been learning Spanish for over three years, and it's incredible how much you can pick up in a short amount of time.

    Congrats on finishing high school, and good luck with the move! xD

    xoxo Abigail Lennah | ups & downs

    1. Woah! I had never heard of that before, but it makes sense! SO COOL! Thanks, Abigail! :D
      It is crazy how fun learning a new language is for sure!

      Thank you SO much, girl! ♥

  2. Congratulations on finishing high school! I finished as well, and I agree--I'm beyond excited to just be able to read and write. I have been learning Spanish for about nine years now and I love it! I'm glad you'll be able to practice with your friend--I can speak Spanish and read Spanish both pretty smoothly, but I can't understand when anyone else talks to me, partly because I'm a visual learner and partly because I just don't have anyone to practice with. :(


    1. Thank you, Hailey! It feels so freeing, right??
      WOW, nine years! You must be amazing! It is harder when people speak it to you, I agree! Especially since they talk SO fast!! Haha I hope it gets easier for you!

  3. Congrats on graduating!! That's so awesome. I'm sure the feeling's great.
    And good job on learning Spanish! I took it for the past two years, and I feel like I'm FINALLY starting to understand it. But it's so hard!! I think I should take some classes or something :))

    Hope you have the loveliest of summers!

    1. Thank you, Autumn!! YES IT FEELS AMAZING.
      It is SO hard! But I know that it will be worth it! :D I am using Rosetta Stone, and that helps a bit. Also, get a Spanish-English dictionary. It is AMAZING.


  4. Hey Megan!
    I just found your blog and I'll be sticking around for sure. Your design is gorgeous! <3
    Congrats on your graduation and I hope the move goes well!
    And on learning a is a GREAT website that I have used. Even though this is harder to implement, another good idea is just talking with someone who actually speaks Spanish or getting a Spanish pen pal. I'm grabbing your button! Again love your blog and you seem like such a sweet hearted person :) I'm so happy to have found you.

    Blessings <3


    1. GAH THANK YOU SO MUCH ANNA!! You are so kind! ♥
      YES, I use Duolingo. I have their app! :) I have friends who are from the Dominican Republic and I have their help, which is awesome! :D
      Thank you SO much, I am so happy that you like my blog! I am going to go check yours out now. :)


  5. i totally know what you mean about moving! we moved in late december/early january so we were doing all of that packing/organizing/unpacking during the about bad timing! haha!

    it sounds like you have had an amazing summer so far! i hope you have lots of fun with everything else you have planned! <3

    1. Ohhh man that would be hard! Whelp. Haha

      My summer has been amazing! Thank you so much!! I hope your summer is fabulous. :) ♥♥

  6. Me again! Just wanted to let you know I tagged you in something on my blog...

    1. Oooh, thank you, Hailey!! So sorry it's taking me this long to do it, but it's going up soon!! :)



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